I took a break at work and I went on vacation 2 weeks ago. I went to my hometown, that one resting on the south-east cost of Sicily. I was there for one week.
You're right. I might not be good to run a blog. I don't have any constancy in updating the page. I might got bored of it. I do not have time for it. I run a store, I play in two different bands. With one of them I'm practicing hard to make the third album as soon as possible. With the second one I'm doing the same, but for the very first album. This takes a lot of time and a lot of thoughts passing through the mind. And last one....girls, you know!!! You gotta bear with myself. Some time you tape thecolorbabyblue in the navigation bar and maybe you will find some new things...bullshit, most of the times.
Well, I decided to not take and show picture of street stylish people from now on. Instead I will try to use the camera such as a tool to make you see what I see. Often it occurs that I find myself staring at people not being aware that I might make them uncomfortable and draw them in an awkward feeling. At that moment I'm not judging anyone or thinkhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.bold.gif Inserisci tag grassettoing something. I'm just seeing. The colors, the shapes, the moves, the natural and the unnatural elements, and their recovering together. Me....
There are three of us. One of us is 25, one is 18, and one is 15.
The one is kind of into Indie Fashion and Indie Music.
The other two are the same, but smaller.
That's it;