Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yesterday I went to an exhibition held by the UCLA students majoring in art studio. It was in collaboration with the Accademia delle Belle Arti of Florence.

So went:

As soon as I saw Lauren how couldn't I take a picture of her and put it on the blog? Even if this would've been the third time she ended up here. She is simply marvelous as usual, precisely.... the most marvelous dork I've ever met. So Chic? I love you Lauren
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Then I ran into Little Sarah and I asked her which one was her painting. She showed me the artwork and I said.... "sure this is yours. It is so little Sarah". You look and see how perfectly they match together.
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Speaking of paintings I want to point out my favorite one. That one made by my AWESOME friend, Chris. Isn't it swell. I know, you know.
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Yesterday, there were also
Paolina, Rachel and Martina
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that's it from Florence for now. I'll see you later

The Geek is the Shit
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Kira Aderne said...

you are so right, your friend in yellow is fantastic! i wanna that dress! hehhee

a kiss

Anonymous said...

jack rules!!!
